About us
If you join us, we expect to be changed by you. We follow a Living God, and we want our community to be alive too. Life is a grand adventure, and a hard one. We don't all agree on things. You'll find a lot of variety of ideas and commitments here. Still, we have each other's backs. We take care of each other, listen to one another, grow in faith and love because of one another.
We are a congregation of the PC(USA) - that is the kind of Presbyterians we are. You can learn more about that at: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Everyone is welcome to join us for everything we do. We promise not to lock eyes on you and beg you to become a member. Just come, and we can enjoy being together and learning from each other. (The only things a non-member cannot do are to vote at a congregational meeting or be elected to office as a deacon or elder.)
our pastor:

Katie Kinnison
Rev. Katie Kinnison is passionate about ideas, rocks, her three grown daughters, books, fungi, laughing and anything that takes her breath away. Preaching and teaching are at heart of her calling - always with the goal of helping us all figure out how to live, how to come all the way alive in God. She thinks of herself first of all as a mystic (one who loves God and sees all of creation connection with God). She loves to explore and play in her spirituality, going deep with centering prayer and drawing near to the Divine during a contemplative walk in creation. She will tell you, every chance she gets, that we are bodies made of stardust, filled with the breath of God - so the first truth about us, everyone of us, is that we are beloved by the Holy One.
Sunday morning worship services begin at 10:00 AM in our sanctuary.
We celebrate the Lord's supper twice a month and all our welcome at the Lord's Table.
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board, Facebook page, and on our website.
You can watch previous church services at:
Winter Weather Policy
In the case that a Level 1 Snow Emergency exists, we will have worship.
For a Level 2 Snow Emergency, a decision about holding worship will be made
after a discussion amongst a group consisting of the Pastor, the Clerk of Session, the Chair of Music & Worship, and the Chair of Facilities.
In the case that a Level 3 Snow Emergency exists, the worship service will not
happen at church. Worship - loving God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength will continue as usual.
Updates regarding worship services will be posted on our website hilliardohpres.org and our Facebook page and group page.